
Articles Posted in sexual abuse attorneys in California


Civil Rights and The Justice Firm’s Team that Fights to Uphold Them and Defend Them

The term “civil rights” encompasses a very broad variety of rights. Some of those rights are enshrined in the Constitution, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, the right to due process, and the right to equal protection under the…


Sexual Violence and Abuse in California Prisons

We live in a civilized society and being imprisoned does not mean giving up basic human rights. While, as a result of incarceration, inmates do have some of their rights limited and prisons are allowed to curtail certain rights based on safety and security, there are certain basic fundamental human…


What Is Child Sexual Assault And Who Can Be Held Responsible

Various factors have contributed to childhood sexual abuse being one of the most underreported crimes, including the fact that over ninety percent of all childhood sexual assaults are perpetrated by a person personally known to the child or their family. And while the underreporting prevents us from knowing exactly how…


Overview of the California Child Victims Act

Childhood sexual abuse is one of most horrific crimes imaginable. Given that it is one of the most underreported crimes, it is very hard to determine the exact number of victims, but what is undisputable is that millions of individuals have suffered instances of sexual abuse as minors. In fact,…


The Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Schools

It’s a documented fact that victims of child sexual abuse are at a much higher risk of developing long-term psychological, emotional, and physical disorders including depression, guilt, and anxiety. The lingering memories of sexual abuse in schools and even home are often difficult to suppress and changes how the victim…

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